
For me, teaching movement is the intersection of passion and meaning. I love sharing the joy of movement with others and believe that teachers can support individuals, empower communities, and improve lives. Education and learning have guided my life; I participate in this lineage to pass on the best of what I have learned with these ideals in mind and body. I teach contemporary dance, contact improvisation, movement for actors, performance and composition workshops, and Pilates and fitness.

read more of my teaching philosophy here

Current Classes and Offerings

Mondays 8:15-9:10
Reformer Level 1-2
The Pilates Movement - Studio Flottwell

Tuesdays 8:00-9:00
Movement in the Park: Strength and Serenity
Anton-Saefkow-Park Spielplatz (Prenzlauer Berg)

Wednesday 9:15-10:10
Wake-Up Pilates
The Pilates Movement - Studio Mitte

Thursdays 12:00-14:00
WHAT DOES DANCE DO? (and why does it matter?)
Tanz Tangente (Steglitz)

Email me (nicolajoy@gmail.com) to learn more about my offerings or for sign-up info.