i have an amazing strange awesome dance show coming up!

On Saturday night August 7th at the Nightlight, a music venue/club/artist space in Chapel Hill, I have a dance show!  Here is the information about it:


On Saturday, August 7th at 9pm, the Nightlight Club in Chapel Hill, NC will present the danced work TAKE 1 AT BEDTIME/WASTED. This evening length dance is the result of an 8 week long residency featuring five professional dancers from across the Triangle. Focusing on the rawand eclectic space of Nightlight, Aumiller’s choreographed site-specific work is based around the themes of night life and small intimate spaces. $5 admission at the door.


The first part of the evening, TAKE 1 AT BEDTIME, is a collaboration with musician extraordinaire Dave Yarwood (Devour, Antibubbles, Holy Bouquet). Both the movement and Yarwood’s original sound composition explore impulsive initiations of and by different layers of the body. Each dancer will inhabit various corners of dimly lit intimate spaces, inviting the audience to venture through various modes of visceral intent along with the dancers.


WASTED, part two of the event, offers an humorous exaggeration of night living. Paired with pop music excerpts, Aumiller experiments with a vocabulary of distorted vogueing, absurd repetition, out of control romping and rolling, and juxtaposed solitude. Behind every joke lies truth – watch out for the punch line.


For a video excerpt of TAKE 1 AT BEDTIME/WASTED please go to:




check out the nightlight’s website for more information at http://www.nightlightclub.com/



my first blog post!